FLUTD: Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

We have recently had several cats present to us for being FLUTD. FLUTD stands for feline lower urinary tract disease which occurs due to inflammation of the bladder and/or urethra. If you have any concerns about your kitty, please have them evaluated by a veterinarian immediately. Common clinical signs of FLUTD cats are crying or pain while urinating, going in-and-out of the litterbox, frequently urinating, blood in the urine, and urinating outside of the litterbox (inappropriate elimination). More severe cases may include vomiting, lethargy, reluctance to walk, and a tender abdomen. Causes of FLUTD include bladder or urethral stones, urethral plugs, urinary crystals, anatomical defects, urinary tract infection, and behavioral problems. However, the most common cause is a condition called idiopathic cystitis which occurs in 55-65% of the cases. 

FLUTD is commonly triggered by stress. Due to the overwhelming stress from COVID19, we have been seeing an increase in these number of cases. You might be wondering-“What can I do for my kitty to help prevent them from developing this?”. Listed below are a few tips. If you have any concerns, contact your veterinarian. 

·      Environmental changes
o  Pheromones-Feliway © is a feline pheromone which can help naturally calm your cat. You can purchase Feliway here
o  Identifying stressors-
§ Is there another cat in the household or outside?
§ Did you recently move?
§ Are you currently going through a stressful time? 
o  Increase vertical spaces
§ Cat shelves on the walls
§ Multi-storied cat trees or kitty condos
§ Use sisal fiber-based shelves and trees! Using a carpet covered one may encourage your cat to scratch your carpet
§ Spray these with feliway © spray!
·     Feed primarily canned food with added water
o  Dilution is the solution for pollution!!!
o  Mix canned food with water to create a soupy consistency
·     Increase water intake
o  Water fountain
o  Additional water bowls around the house
·     Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian
o  Your veterinarian may prescribe a medication to help relax the urethra and additional pain medication
·     Litterbox
o  Recommendations for your cat’s litterbox require an additional post-but here are some quick tips
o  Place the litterbox in a stress-free zone (not next to the loud laundry machine or in an area where young children or dogs can bother them)
o  Remove the lids, plastic liners, and anything scented
o  Use an unscented, clumping, clay litter
o  Recommended # of litterboxes=# of cats in the household +1
o  Scoop daily!
o  Size is important-Be certain your kitty can turn all the way around while standing in it. 1.5 times the cat’s length from nose to the base of the tail is an estimated size. You can use storage containers or sweater boxes as a litterbox. 


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