Lethal Lilies

With Easter quickly approaching, we want to take this time to remind you all that Easter Lilies can be deadly to cats. Ingestion of any part of the lily can cause kidney failure within 36-72 hours. “Cat owners need to be aware that the consequences can be devastating, even fatal, to our feline family members”, states Dr. Cindy McManis. “Delay of treatment for over 18 hours will likely result in kidney failure and a high risk of death”. 
Symptoms of lily toxicity
·      Lethargy
·      Vomiting
·      Drooling 
·      Decreased appetite

If you believe your cat has ingested or been exposed to any part of a lily, contact your veterinarian IMMEDIATELY. You may also contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control at 1-888-426-4435. 

More information here


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